Spiritual Boot Camp With The Council Of Engma
Sat, Aug 10
|Temple Heights Spiritualist Camp
For more information visit the Facebook Event Page at: https://www.facebook.com/events/339493706712205/

Time & Location
Aug 10, 2019, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Temple Heights Spiritualist Camp, 4 Park St, Northport, ME 04849, USA
About the event
This workshop is for anyone who has a strong desire to live more fully in the remembrance of your true self as a divine being. As humans, while our spirit experiences this lower dimension of the earth plane, Spiritual Amnesia becomes part of our journey. While in Spiritual Amnesia the Ego of the lower self over shadows our remembrance and creates our perceived reality through the lens of separation.
Come to the sacred space of this workshop ready to be vulnerable and raw as Engma masterfully leads you out of Spiritual Amnesia. Join Engma and Susan with a desire for you Ego’s defenses and goal of separation to be highlighted within your consciousness, so your essence of spirit can lead you back to the reality of Oneness.
We will begin with a guided meditation as Engma melds their energy with you, continue with Susan sharing some of Engma's teachings and end the afternoon with an open forum platform where participants can ask questions and Susan will channel Jesus and Engma . For the benefit of all in the group, please ask questions from a universal perspective so that through the teachings, each of you can come home unto yourself as a light-filled, spiritually seeded expression of God.
Please Note: Participants will not only be receiving the higher teachings while Susan channels but will also receive Energetic Transmissions of Engma’s Combined Consciousness Frequency Signature to assist you in the ascension process. Please know the energy can be quite palpable and is a common part of the experience. Therefore, it is advised to drink plenty of water for at least 3 days following the workshop.
*Cost for the workshop is $30.
**IMPORTANT: There were 53 who attended the last Spiritual Boot Camp so please Contact Temple Heights at 207-338-3029 to reserve your spot for this year's workshop.
I'm looking forward to facilitating this transformative afternoon. My love and light to everyone! ~ Susan