testimonial slide
I was a client of Susan St. Jean’s for several years when during a session with her, I was told I would take part in Engma’s work as their healing channel. On the morning of February 17, 2010, a couple of years after Susan’s prophesy, Engma introduced themselves to me and began their work with me. I was put into an altered state of consciousness and unable to move, although I could feel a divine, loving energy surrounding me. During the session that morning, I was asked if I, with my free will, would accept God Source Energy. I did and immediately felt the powerful energy surge throughout my body. The experience lasted for over an hour. Shortly after the experience with Engma that morning, I called Susan. We spoke on the phone for over 3 hours for most of which Susan asked me questions about my experience. During this time, The Council channeled the answers through me. I had never channeled before, so this was a new experience for me. Later in the conversation, The Council told Susan what I needed to hear; exactly what happened to me a few hours before. They explained to us the following: “We implanted within Sandra a monitoring device for a total of 5 days, to gather her vibratory data specific to her energy to create a personal birthing blueprint of the God Source Energy frequency which will be downloaded into Sandra in intervals over a span of time to prepare her as our healer.” From this, Susan and I knew that we were to begin our work together, and I knew that I was at a turning point in my life. Although my spiritual awakening had begun a few years earlier, this rocketed me into something much more divine. From that day forward, Susan and I became close friends. Eventually, with Engma’s channeling through Susan, we began to spread Engma’s messages, which are filled with wisdom and love. Susan St. Jean is a clear channel whose integrity is of utmost importance to her. Susan embodies The Council of Engma's teachings and is tireless in her spiritual work and relentless in living Engma's teachings in her everyday life. I am blessed to know Susan and hold her dear to my heart as a close and loving friend.
~ Sandra Hamblin
Hi Susan, I just wanted to thank you for an amazing evening of message circle at Temple Heights. What you offer is much more than straight-on mediumship. Everyone in the message circle was able to experience spiritual healing, Engma channeling, and mediumship. Again I thank you - I thought it was wonderful and amazing!
~ Francine Falcone
As I walked along my spiritual journey, I met an Ascended Master, who would not give his name. He said I could call him AWAN an acronym for the phrase Angel Without A Name. AWAN would speak to me through the trance mediumship of Rev. Carl R. Hewitt. Through AWAN’s teachings, I learned that theologians had repeatedly edited the Bible. I began comparing the translation of specific Bible verses in 463 Bibles. Eventually, AWAN appointed me to be his Scribe to write down his vast body of teachings. I have written four books: My First Encounter with an Angel, My Second Encounter with an Angel, My Third Encounter with an Angel, and Crossovers: The Origin of Homosexuality. These books contain Awan’s teachings, along with historical research to corroborate 100% of AWAN’s theories. Since Rev. Hewitt’s transition to the World of Spirit in 2005, I had been cut off from a pathway to a living source of higher Spiritual knowledge, until I met Susan St. Jean. When most people realize that they need more spiritual wisdom in their lives, they turn to a holy book, such as the Bible. These people fail to realize the Bible is a lifeless book, that was written by men (perhaps through inspiration). They also fail to realize the text of the Bible has filtered through the minds of translators, and editors, who repeatedly weave their theology into the Bible’s text, which dilutes or distorts its spiritual truths. A smaller group of people seek spiritual wisdom through a living source, through Angels or Ascended Masters who often speak directly to humanity through a human instrument, or medium. This source is living, and dynamic, and can provide wisdom customized for a specific receiver or a specific situation. One of these living instruments is Susan St. Jean. Through her mediumistic gifts, Susan brings forth the wisdom of Engma. This council works in harmony and provides the most inspiring messages, to aid humanity in their effort to reawaken the Spirit within. For we are all spiritual beings residing in a physical body. However, our spirit often forgets what its purpose was for coming into this human existence. Engma’s messages help us to awaken from this spiritual amnesia and provides us with the tools to use to live a truly spiritual life. There are not many living sources of wisdom available to the spiritual seeker, and one has “hit the jackpot” when discovering Engma, and incorporating the teachings into one’s life. Susan St Jean is one of the few mediums, who is a true instrument of the Spirit. She places her complete trust in the hands of Engma and follows their instructions implicitly. Most mediums have not put aside their ego and do what they think they should do. As a result, Susan is a very clear channel. I found when I have had sessions with her, she can focus on my concerns, and then Spirit and Engma provided the guidance I very much needed. Furthermore, Susan is very genuine. You can feel her empathy for you when you are in her presence. I have recommended several of my friends to Susan, and they also were thrilled with their readings and were extremely impressed with the caring and nurturing aspects of Susan’s guidance. If you are looking for a genuine medium, who is down to earth, and “tells it like it is” then I would highly recommend Susan St. Jean.
~ Sidney Schwartz Pastor of Gifts of the Spirit Church. Author of The Channelled Book Series My First, Second, Third Encounter With An Angel, The Golden Thread Mediumship In The Bible, Crossovers, and others. http://www.gotsc.org
After wrestling an entire week about whether to attend a session with a medium (something I had never done), I found myself walking into the room where Susan St. Jean sat. I had walked four months, thoroughly drenched with such grief that each day, hour, minute, and second seemed a struggle. I was always a half-breath away from losing myself. Words, from a song on the radio, ‘The inside out of my soul cries out resonated deeply and left me reduced to tears on my way to work, one morning. On July 17, 2012, I received a call that my beloved younger son, Tim, had passed away. My reading with Susan, four months later, left me with an incredible sense of peace and was my very first step toward healing. She conveyed very articulate and accurate events and details of my son’s character. I continue to be comforted that Tim is extremely happy and safe in this next chapter of his journey. Even though he is no longer physically here, I know he is with me in spirit. Susan has an amazing gift. I have made several referrals to friends, who have also had great experiences, as well.
~ Cheryl Mills
I had a great experience with Susan. No one has ever gotten my mother to come threw but my Susan did. I cried and she cried. That tells you what kind of heart she has. She brought a lot of closure for me and I'm so thankful for that. She will never know what that meant to me. I do thank you from the bottom of my heart Susan. You are a blessing to me...THANK YOU SO MUCH!
~ Sharon Nobles
Encountering Susan St. Jean, and Engma has changed my life and stopped my lifelong search for the truth about God, the Universe, and the true meaning of life on Earth. My healing was also life-changing! Susan, Sandy Hamblin, and I were doing some energy work, and as we were Jesus came to Susan telling her to bring our hands together, after doing so Jesus then tied our hands together with a big fisherman’s rope. After a few moments, the energy was so strong as Jesus stepped into Susan that her body started shaking then suddenly our clumped hands leaped to my heart. I opened my eyes in shock and looked at Sandy mouthing to her, “I just asked God to heal my heart 2 seconds ago!” This pain in my heart had been present for quite some time. After that day I have not had the pain at all. Another huge part of learning the process of living and learning on earth is Spiritual Contracts which Susan skillfully does workshops on along with other topics which are so instrumental to our spiritual and emotional evolution. Susan and Engma have assisted me on so many levels personally and also with opening up my spiritual gifts through the many energetic transmissions they have gifted me. My life has been infused with such abundance and growth since meeting and working with Susan and Engma. I have so much gratitude and love for them touching my life.
~ Loretta Thurlow
I would like to offer my support to Susan St. Jean for the work she has done and is doing, to make this world a more enlightened place. We have known each other for more than 20 years. There was a time we saw a lot of each other at Temple Heights, near Belfast, Me. I remember when Susan was going through a difficult physical and Spiritual metamorphosis. It was like watching a caterpillar struggling to weave a cocoon trying to shut out the light so she could have peace and be pain-free. She was always a bright light in our world. Then she came to life, not as another bright light, but a brilliant lighthouse guiding the way with her new guides and teacher, Engma. She became much more than any of our teachers had been. They were great, solid, and incredible each in their day but now we all have another realm to touch base with and learn deeper knowledge from. Susan, with Engma, is honest, dependable, and truthful. Constantly guiding towards the truth along each person's path as they can receive it. When Susan and Engma “sit” to offer healing, the energy can be felt no matter what time of day or place on this planet it was requested. If you are still and focus your mind and intention on receiving, you can actually feel the energy flowing over you as each wave and particle presents itself as a warm glow surrounding you. This God-given energy mixes with your own mind and body to heal, uplift, and give insight no matter the problem. I have experienced this myself. I am honored to speak my truth about this Master Teacher. May you all be well and at peace.
~ Sonja Christiansen, KRMT
Engma knows your soul, and your heart, and encourages you to live and love fully, and authentically, embracing all that you are and fulfilling your soul’s sacred contracts. Having a channeled session with Engma provides laser-focused truth, it may be the elephant in the room, it may be addressing something you see from a slightly different angle, which creates the needed shift. As a child I would be told God knows everything you do and my logical mind could not fathom this; Engma’s channeling has deepened my faith. If Engma says it, ask yourself, how is this true because through my experiences with them, I have learned it is always the information I needed at that time to advance. Unconditional love and compassion flow through the channeling. It is healing, uplifting, and empowers free will change. Engma’s energetic transmissions introduce you to their higher vibrational signature, helping raise and set your vibration at a higher level. As my vibration increases, I experience everything, and everyone in a clearer, more connected way. My compassion and empathy grows as judgment and sense of separateness decrease. I speak with Engma and my spirit guides throughout the day, asking for assistance in providing guidance for my soul’s evolution and to speak through me in the highest interest of others' soul's evolution. Through Engma’s channeling and energetic transmissions, it is easier to release my “small self” and live from my Soul perspective as a Sacred Vessel.
~ Cheryl Hartford
I feel like the universe provides people in your life for so many reasons. I found Susan by chance because my mom needed closure from the passing of her mom, my Nana. After seeing how relieved and healed she was from Susan and Engma’s presence during her reading, I had to go myself. I made a day to see Susan and sit down to hopefully find some closure on a few things in my own life. The reading brought out so much deep emotion that day. It was so freeing. I learned a lot about myself that I never thought possible. I also was amazed at how much of my past was dug up from just Susan closing her eyes and having Engma guide her. The whole time I felt comfortable being there, and so comfortable with Susan. I’m thankful that Susan had come into my life and thankful for all that was given on that day.
~ Tara Dubreuil
My experiences with Susan St. Jean have been life-changing. I find her to be a deeply connected, highly intuitive person who is deeply committed to helping others. I was highly skeptical when I first met her, in a group reading. But she immediately captured the attention and hearts of the group when she started offering detailed information to specific individuals that clearly "clicked" with them in profound ways. Tears, laughter, raised eyebrows and jaws dropped-- very soon we were all taken by what Susan (and Engma) had to offer. I went back to see her on my own because I felt like I was still supposed to receive something. And honestly, I was just as skeptical the second time--in my head. In my heart, I felt like I got this transmission, an initiation of some kind. I cannot explain it to this day. But it was real and powerful, and Susan was the one who was able to offer it. I walked away with a clear course of direction for a major life event coming up.
~ Shannon Lynn Thompson
This past weekend I stayed at Temple Heights where Susan was the medium/energy worker. I had a private session with Susan along with a half-day class that changed my life. If you haven't already been in her energy, then the time is now... Amazing spirit, teacher, and she explains in a way that you understand. She starts where ever you are, and goes from there. She has a loving, kind spirit, and is so connected to the higher collective (Engma) that words can't even describe it. I got to spend the whole weekend with her, in her energy and my ears never stopped ringing... Like this high-pitched, super fast vibration that you could also feel opening your heart! I can not describe the difference a weekend can make when it's spent in Susan St. Jeans energy!
~ Deborah Wickwire Infante
Hi Susan, I am writing to thank you so much for our session with Engma and you a while ago. So much of what was communicated through you has been very helpful to me on my life journey. At that time, I was going through some particularly difficult times at my job, and truth and clarity were given to me. Some of it was an opportunity for me to see myself in a mirror, so to speak, which has helped me see myself and how I affect my own life. The other wonderful thing that happened was that you helped me connect with my living mother, who is in the end stages of Alzheimer's disease. That connection helped me accept more fully that she continues to live and helped me see the lessons and the blessings that continue through her existence. One particular story was so amazing to me, I must tell you about it. During our session, as you spoke to my mother, you told me she would come to me as a hummingbird. That summer, I went to CA. to visit a friend and saw a hummingbird, the first I'd ever seen there over my few visits to her. I, however, didn't know for sure if it was my mom. I didn't want to make more of it than it was, but I didn't discount it either. The next year, we got a hummingbird feeder in our yard and we saw them come and go all the time. Then….here is the miraculous; sure it was a sign part… I had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was scheduled for a lumpectomy. The day before my surgery, I went to visit my mom in the nursing home and said to her, if you can be there to watch over me at my surgery, please be there. That night, the evening before my surgery, we were eating dinner on the deck when a hummingbird flew right in front of me at the table and hovered in front of my face, staring at me, for about 30 seconds or so. It was amazing! I knew for sure that my mom would be there to watch over me. You are a blessing and I thank you and Engma for the love and truth you shared with me. I will be calling upon you again in the near future. Sending you light and love always.
~ Barbara Ann
I'm still feeling buzzed from the enlightening workshop and private session with Susan last weekend at Temple Heights. She spoke the language my soul resonated with. Susan and Engma answered my many questions concisely. She was able to connect to me in a way only spirit would know. Afterward, I was left with a profound personal knowing that I wasn't alone and that I'm on the right track. What she shared about soul contracts made perfect sense to me. I highly recommend anyone searching for spiritual guidance seek a reading with her. She's a good soul!
~ Adelle Carter
Dear Susan, First, I am so thankful that I have been able to meet you and the energies of ENGMA! I have suffered from Crohn's and fatigue since 2010 when I believe an awakening in me began. My eyes were opened as my heart was trying to tell me that my life, although on the outside seemed well put together, on the inside my soul was yearning for change. Seven years later, I now live in Maine (and moved away from a toxic environment in NJ), I left a relationship that had been dragging me down and met an amazing Man who is now my husband. I also left a very good-paying career that was completely wrong for me and my sensitive soul. It's been quite a spiritual journey from where I began in 2010, however the fact that I still have Crohn's is telling me that things are still unbalanced. When I met you during a half-hour session my main concerns were healing a dislocated rib and healing my Crohns. I learned from our session that ENGMA's combined energies are powerful enough to move a dislocated rib back into place. Within hours I was able to take a deep breath again. I also learned that my dislocated rib and my Crohns were in direct relation to healing my emotional body, particularly forgiving and releasing past hurts. I did know that Crohn's was related to the emotional body and I am now taking more steps to help heal myself of those past hurts. I find myself understanding others more and also finding myself remaining neutral when a situation arises that may have otherwise had me worried or upset. I know I have a lot more learning to do but I am so thankful that my Crohns feels so much better and my dislocated rib is completely healed. I follow Guru Mayi and have meditated with a group of women who also follow her. I have in the past while meditating and chanting with this group felt an overwhelming sense of love and a euphoric feeling from head to toe. I have to say when you opened my crown chakra and were bringing down the white light I felt a similar feeling to my meditation experience and was able to release many emotions. It was an amazing feeling and one I am hopeful I can feel again. I did, however, have to have a boil lanced and drained 2 weeks after our session I have an intuitive inclination that it was our session that released a lot of my anger that has been stuck in my emotional body and this is how the release presented itself in my physical body. Not fun but intuitively felt essential for the path that I am on. Thank you again for helping me and holding space for a way of being that I aspire to reach. All my love!
~ Shannon Hines.
I am very happy to write a review for Susan since I have been honored to have her help me on my spiritual journey. I have had private sessions, attended a workshop, and had Susan come to a Women's Spiritual group to do sessions for us. Each time I am with her I experience a sense of peace and awe. Susan and The Council of Engma convey knowledge and insight that help raise consciousness and inspire me to live my life at a higher vibration. Susan has shared her gifts with me and many others whom I have referred to her for healing. I feel blessed to have her in my life.
~ Pamela Philbrook Leary
Susan is a very gifted psychic medium. I had the honor of working with her in regard to the energy that had been discerned in my house and was able to get an in-depth reading as to what that was about. Her gallery readings are a very fun event as she has a great sense of humor and was very dynamic. Susan has a fast-paced discernment and was able to address most of the people in the room.
~ Ted Verplanck
Susan, It was so wonderful meeting you this past Saturday in Connecticut at the 40th Anniversary of the Gifts of the Spirit Church. Words cannot express the love I felt in your presence. I am so happy that you came to say hello. I am on my own slow path to developing gifts of the spirit. I am still a child in this respect. I am not giving up. Soon I know I will make a fine beacon of light! I wanted to thank you and let you know that you filled my heart with so much happiness in your greeting me and hugging me.
Love and Light
~ Linda Assim
I was drawn to have a reading with Susan St. Jean a couple of weeks ago, and it was nothing short of amazing! She brought me information from Engma that was extremely helpful and validating. So I'm sharing her FB page forward so that others may benefit from Susan's channel.
~ Linda Anzelc Huitt
I had the auspicious occasion to meet Susan at my home for dinner. That same night I was introduced to Engma. I don’t think I even knew she was a medium before I met her. While I was somewhat dubious, I remember wanting to stay open to this new experience. Since that evening my life has taken an unexpected, albeit long-desired turn in my spiritual evolution. What always strikes me is the transparent authenticity that Susan exudes and the constant portrayal and dedication to TRUTH, LOVE, and the teachings of Engma. I have ALWAYS received truth and wisdom each time that Engma came through Susan with messages and explanations to the flood of questions that entered my mind. I never stop questioning my spiritual journey for the truth of creation and who I ultimately am, the real Self. I am a student of A Course in Miracles and A Course of Love. I believe the search is ending as I shift from learning to divine receiving. This process has accelerated and deepened since I have had contact with Engma through Susan. Engma has helped me in being more conscious of the ego’s control in my thoughts and mind and to “lull it to sleep”. During several weeks that I spent with Susan and Engma, I can honestly say that Susan consistently lives her life from a place of love and truth. She appears to be egoless and has dedicated her life to spreading the love and wisdom of Engma to create a better world for all of us on this planet. I am in deep gratitude to Engma and Susan for this part of my spiritual evolution and journey. Susan is the real deal!!!
~ Carrie Trubenbach
Susan is an amazing Psychic Medium/Spiritual Teacher. I was lucky to see her at Temple Heights Spiritual Camp recently. I recommend going to her website, looking at her calendar of events, and taking the time to see her and Engma. She's a beautiful light and Soul and Engma's energy is incredible. Love, Light & Blessings of Spirit
~ Robin Davis Poulin
Hey Susan, I just wanted to thank you for being such a beautiful beacon of light. I received a lot from the Spiritual Boot Camp Workshop on Saturday and my intimacy with Engma has increased as well. Whenever I ask Engma into my field I'm always filled with such love and a feeling of peace. I'm very clairvoyant so whenever I see Engma I see them in the form of Jesus but with rainbow colors around. They are very beautiful energy. I'm so very grateful the universe has aligned our paths. You and Engma have allowed me to see through a new perspective so thank you so much.
~ Austin Collar
Hi Susan, I just wanted to thank you for the past couple of days. I knew I was supposed to meet you. I just wasn't aware of exactly why. You and ENGMA have helped me tremendously. My heart sings and I can't thank you enough. Please know when I said I could cry it is from pure joy. I feel this often but yesterday was just more amazing. You are a true gift to this world. I couldn't love you any more than I do. I am so honored that our paths have crossed. THANK YOU!!!! Be well always.
~ Jeanne Vella Johnston
I have had several readings over the past few years with Susan and have come away with more information to help me walk my path. This past reading was absolutely amazing Susan channeled Engma and when Susan came over to me I could feel such incredible energy and actually started sweating. Susan explained that it was because she was emanating Engma’s energy. All of a sudden I could actually feel them working on my broken ankle. It was amazing! Then Engma told Susan to place her hands on my crown chakra and the back of my chest (I was very congested) and when she did I got even warmer. Even after I left I still felt Engma with me through the end of the day. Thank you, Susan and Engma for facilitating a great experience and healing!
~ Beth Newman
Hi Susan,
I plan on attending your gallery reading Friday night and your Open Forum Events with Engma sound interesting to me as well. I look forward to hearing your (and Engma’s) response to a question I have. You see—the session I had with you during your participation as a subject for my Ph.D. thesis on Mediums and Communication with the afterlife has stayed with me—the “realness” of how you were with me is what has impacted and makes me want to keep pursuing the exploration of all this even though I finished my Ph.D. over a year ago. Best wishes, Elliot
~ Elliot Benjamin
I'm not sure when I first met Susan, but I do not doubt that she and her talents came to me exactly when I needed her the most. I was solidly on my path of discovering many different forms of metaphysical healing, mediums, and psychic guidance. I have had the privilege of having private readings with Susan, in my home, and in her healing space. I have witnessed her compassionate and accurate abilities at gallery readings and spiritual fairs. Additionally, I have had a healing with her and Engma, which was amazing! Most importantly for me, her ability to speak with animals solved a distressing situation with one of our cats. There is no other like her, and I would encourage everyone to take advantage of any opportunity to experience Engma’s spiritual knowledge via Susan. My life is forever changed since meeting Susan.
~ Wendy Richards
Several years back I went to a Holistic Fair in Livermore Falls, Maine. My knees were hurting, so I had my walking stick with me. When I arrived, I walked around for a while, then sat down. I saw a lady there; she was a physic medium. I went over by her, we looked at each other, and then I walked away. I kept being drawn to her. Finally, I signed up for a reading. The line was long. I walked over again, she said I will call you when it’s time. Another hour went by. The people I had come with were leaving. Finally, she looked at me, and I went over and sat down. She took my walking stick and laid it down. Then Jesus came to her and told her he had a message for her, and that he was going to give it to her through me. I told her the message. And then we both started crying. We were two old souls meeting again after many lifetimes of separation. Her name was Susan St. Jean. For a time, I thought Engma was only for her. But as time went on, I learned how wrong I was. After going through a process of receiving energetic transmissions for 3 years from Engma which were facilitated by Susan and two other women who had also received energetic downloads, Sandra Hamblin and Loretta Thurlow, my life and path of service have changed tremendously. When you trust and love and let Engma into your life, everything will change. What you could not do, now comes to you. Your outlook on life changes. As I now work with people since receiving Engma's energetic transmissions I can see the change in people's faces. They become lighter. Darkness has left them. There is so much more, as you will find out when you let Engma into your life. The Council Of Engma is 18 of the most beautiful Ascended Masters I have ever met.
~ Vance Child
Hi Susan, I'm sitting here listening again to our hour together last August and reflecting on all that came through and how the messages received have become so true. You also spoke about my kitty and how she helped with my anxiety. After you told me I really started paying attention to her actions when I feel anxious and she always comes to me and I feel calmer! My relationship with my mom has gotten better and a message for her about her gallbladder was passed on and actually found in November. Once again you were right... she had a VERY bad gallbladder and it had been that way for years. Other doctors had not found it and when I had spoken to her after your reading she just became more aware that she really didn't feel well. After talking with me and how I felt before having mine removed she went to the right doctor and had it taken out then as it was that bad. Thanks again for everything looking forward to seeing you again.
~ Michelle Davis Gray
Susan, I am sending you this message to compliment you on your channeled postings, they are excellent. While you do not know me, I know of you through Vance Child and Rachel Dubois. I connected with them through a friend I have named Bill Allen. For quite a while I have been meeting with Bill weekly as a spiritual guide and at our last session, he mentioned you and how much he loves what you post. He said that he was going to try to contact you. If there is any way you could help him I would appreciate it. I will not share what we speak of so that I don't influence your thinking and feelings in any way. Not sure if I should be sending you this message, but something is telling me to do so. Perhaps it is me who is trying to connect with you, doesn't matter now the message will be on its way when I push the key. Thanks for reading this and thanks for the great postings. Last night after I read your message I went and found a video you published on 12-21-14 and watched and listened to what you were sharing. There wasn't anything that you said that surprised me and my general reaction was that you were confirming things that I have felt or knew. For the longest time, I have had the realization of the root systems of all trees being connected and that with that connection they communicate with one another and have our Earth's history recorded within them. For some time now I have been working on being fully present in the now and being open to all possibilities. From the day I was born, I have never been afraid of death and I have a strong trust in the guidance of the Divine. Given that trust, I am not surprised that we have connected. At the end of the video, you became somewhat emotional, and I wanted to reach out to you and reassure you that everything will be OK and that you are doing a great job. Your heart was very open at that time, and the gift of giving your viewers such heartfelt words is the greatest gift you can give. When I was falling asleep I spoke with Engma as you suggested and said that I would welcome any information or data they were willing to share with me. As I was waking up this morning I received the solution to a financial problem I have been dealing with. I am happy that we have connected as we have. Blessings and Love,
~ Richard Guertin
Within the clear vessel of Susan, lies the ability of The Council of Engma to come through to assist the world in bringing messages of hope. My personal journey has been greatly affected by this process of having Susan do readings for me. She not only channeled Engma’s guidance to assist me on my path but also my twin sister who died in utero. Meeting Susan has been pivotal in setting me more quickly in motion, to fulfill the reasons why I came to this realm. I have gone from being timid and fearful to stepping into my truth in a very short time. Since meeting with Susan in 2013 I have ended a marriage whose contract was up. Even if I didn't want to initially see it, there was no refuting the messages that were coming through Susan from Engma and my twin. Also in one session, Susan channeled a group of E.T.’s where they explained that a childhood dream I had about seeing aliens was not a dream and since their channeled message through Susan I am remembering who I am and my mission here. I feel whole and bold in loving myself first, following my yearning and beckoning from my higher self to be who I am supposed to be. I owe a lot of this to Susan and Engma and of course to myself for checking in with myself and following the guidance. From the gratitude for the progression of my soul, I thank them eternally.
~Helen Chute
​​Hi Susan, I just wanted to take a few minutes to say hi. I've heard a lot about you from my sister Barbara Marriott and Vance Child. I have been reading a lot of your channeled postings and have been very spiritually moved and inspired by them. Also, by listing to Vance and my sister I know that you are a very special spiritual being sent here to help others and the earth. Keep on sharing and have an awesome rest of this beautiful day.
~ Bill Allen
​​Sometimes, life seems to be a little more ruff than usual and you seek out confirmations for questions that you have. A good friend of mine and I were talking about life at work one day and she says to me, "I got a lady you can talk to, my mother has had a session with her, and I have had a session with her and she is great!" I try to keep an open mind as your messages can come from anyone at any time, even someone younger than you. She told me about her experiences with Susan and then her mothers and we cried together because it was so beautiful. I live a few states away from Susan; however, she made setting up my session easy by walking me through the process over the phone. She was warm and kind. On the day of my session, I took a long lunch break to go speak with Engma and my ancestors through Susan, seeking solitude in my van outside. I found out that a grandmother of mine was one of my guardians, which, at the time, I was a little upset about because this was a person that did not bother with me much in life. Who am I to decide who gets to guard me from the afterlife? *Giggles. Susan and I talked for quite some time. I found her to be very patient, loving, and genuine. She would keep explaining something to me when I needed it and Engma would be direct about other things where it counted. There were capitalized, "DON'T DO IT," and "ABSOLUTELY," which filled my heart and gave me confirmations to the things that I already knew but just needed to hear someone else saying them out loud. I got to talk with my grandfather, whom I never got to meet, for just a few minutes at the end of our session. He passed away when my mother was eight. I got to bring his messages to her that I didn't understand but she sure did because she started to cry. That's how you know a message is genuine. You know that a higher love speaks to you when words seem to hit you so deep inside your being that you cannot help but cry. I felt more confident and aware that day when my talk with Susan was over. I'm glad I made that call.
~ Tabitha Meadows
Hi Susan, Thank you for the work that you do to help other parents connect with their children who have crossed over. Thank you for sharing Keith's story. The pictures and dialogue are incredible and further testimony to me that we survive death and that our children continue to exist in other dimensions. My daughter Jeannine died at the age of 18 more than eleven years ago and after much reflection and because of the input from people in my support network who walk a sacred path, I truly believe that in sacred law 18 years was all Jeannine needed to begin the next phase of her existence and continue to evolve in a different dimension. I am also secure in the knowledge that we continue to enjoy a relationship based on pure unconditional love. Take care and wishing you peace.
~ Dave Roberts
My name is Kate Dana and I have been to see Susan St Jean a couple of times now and each time my life has been positively impacted. The first time I went in a little skeptical, as most people do, but I also went in with an open mind. I felt instantly comfortable with Susan. Usually, I have a hard time trusting others, but I truly felt that I did trust her, even having just met her. I had something serious on my mind before the first visit and it didn’t too long for Susan to pick up on EXACTLY what had been draining me for some time. It was Sue who helped make me feel comfortable in my own skin. She helped me understand it’s OK to be who you are and to embrace your true self because there is no better self. In order to be truly happy in life, you must accept your feelings and love WHOMEVER it is that you love. I had also hoped for my grandparents to come through during the session and send me some sort of message, any message. Well, they were both waiting eagerly for me to come to Susan because they were ready when the time came! There were so many things that Susan could never have known about my Grampie Jack and Yammy, so many things were validated for me and I KNEW it was them I was connecting with. She displayed their mannerisms, their habits, and their tone of voice…it makes me emotional even now because of how powerful and meaningful the experience was for me. Another great note is when it is fuzzy and Susan is not sure, she will tell you, there is no lying in these sessions. Each time with Susan was truly honest and incredibly validating. Sometimes in life you just want or need to hear from your loved ones, I couldn’t think of a better way to do it than seeing someone as amazing as Susan St Jean. She has helped change my life for the better and I really look forward to being able to see her again in the future. Thank you, Susan, I appreciate everything you are and everything you have to offer.
~ Kate Dana
I attended Susan's Gallery session at the Waterville meeting this past weekend. It was my first time seeing Susan. I decided to stay because her Gallery Readings event began just after another one that I just attended. Susan's energy was loving and compassionate and her readings of others were spot on! Midway through the gallery reading, she came to me and asked if she could enter into my energy field, and I accepted. She placed her hand directly on my back where I had been feeling pain for several weeks. She asked Jesus Engma to help to heal me. I felt immediate relief and am still pain-free over 24 hours later. I was so impressed and happy that I decided to have another session with her. We shared a conversation about a constant tinnitus /ringing in my ears that is always with me. It was an interesting session in which I learned a lot about what I was experiencing. I left feeling much lighter and happier than when I first entered the session. I look forward to returning to her in the future for additional sessions. She has a true gift of healing.
Hi Susan, do you ever do home party readings? I have family members and several friends that would be very interested in experiencing your gifts! My sister Teresa and I had a reading with you at a holistic fair in Auburn and It was very powerful:) I watched the recent video you posted on "Zach's" reading. What an AMAZING IMPACT that had on him, his friend, and possibly all who viewed the video. Please let me know if your schedule allows you time to book home parties.
~ Luanne Coulombe
​​​I always enjoy my readings with Susan. I find her to be accurate, funny, and informative. She lovingly presents information and I often feel that she asks the right questions for me to receive clarity in anything I ask her. Most recently I had a reading with her where an ex-boyfriend came in. It was as though I was looking at him directly. The only thing that was missing was the baseball cap he used to wear when we dated. It is truly a gift when a medium can remove herself from the situation at hand well enough so that the person receiving the reading can truly recognize and communicate with the loved one who has crossed over. I received so many gifts from Susan on the day of my reading that I feel truly blessed. Susan is
amazing!! I highly recommend having a reading by her. You will be so glad that you did!!!
~ Jeannie Sullivan
​My initial meeting with Susan was the first time I had a reading. She had come highly recommended by a co-worker. While I was excited, I was also a bit skeptical because this was very new to me. My mother passed more than twenty years ago, but I had the sense that she was still guiding me somehow. Susan and her beautiful Golden, Dakota created a sense of calm and comfort and it didn't take long before things started falling into place and making sense. The dates and information that were being communicated were all connected to my mother and my parents together. Susan identified a ring I was wearing as belonging to my mom and referenced a second ring (which I do not wear, nor did I have with me) with specific characteristics that no one, but my immediate family, knew. The information I received throughout the session was very heartwarming and comforting. It certainly confirmed my belief that my mom continues to be with me and that those who have passed can continue to communicate with us. Susan's gift of communicating these messages is amazing and she was able to provide a sense of peace regarding my connection to my mother.
~ Carol Gee
​​I first encountered Susan at a psychic fair during her Gallery Readings where she listened for guidance and then shared it with different individuals in the group. I immediately knew that this person was a genuine psychic medium by the things she said and how fluidly the information came forward and how freely it was given. At least a dozen people received some sort of message or reading during that session and I was so inspired that I booked a private session. I was not disappointed! Susan is the real deal and I highly recommend her. Susan thank you for the Spiritual Boot Camp Workshop at Temple Heights today and thank you for your service and love. You are beautiful, Susan, and appreciated. See you next time.
~ Sean Murphy
I’ve had two separate readings from Susan. Both times I was a bit hesitant to believe most of what I was told. However, I found out later on that Susan was correct. In the last reading I had, she brought up my being in danger and not safe. There was more, but that was the main theme. After leaving I couldn't get it out of my mind. Then not too long after, my husband at the time, went above and beyond his normal abusive behavior. On that night, I remembered what Susan had said. I made it through the night and kept myself safe. The very next morning I filed a Protection From Abuse and filed for divorce shortly after. If I had not had the reading with Susan, I truly believe my life could have ended at his hands. Today I am living safely in my new home, with loving family and friends around. Susan thank you so much for helping me see what I needed to see when I needed to see it.
~ Linda Washburn
​Hi Susan, I went to one of your fairs once and had a session with you. I was so impressed I went to pick up a friend that was having problems in his life. I knew by seeing you he would hear my words clearer, and you also helped him with what he was going through. The funny part of my session was as I was about to leave you told me you felt someone was going to visit me in a green car. I didn't know anyone with a green car but when I got home a green truck was in my driveway my son had just bought it! LOL
~ Dottie Hutchinson
Susan is a wonderful medium. Her messages from Engma, which she delivers with loving-kindness and compassion, are enlightening, thought-provoking, and life-changing; supporting us in our quest for connection with our Soul, Spiritual Wholeness, and Oneness with God Consciousness. Thank you, Susan and Engma for being there for me in my soul journey!
~ Alice King
My first experience with Susan and Engma was shortly after my mom passed. I went to a gallery reading that Susan was hosting. I was amazed when she came to me and asked if I was having some sort of medical issue that was impairing my ability to drive because I had just recently been diagnosed with epilepsy and lost my license due to the seizures. Later that day I had a private reading with Susan and asked if my mother could be reached. When my mother did come through to Susan she addressed my concerns, and as she showed Susan the cemetery Susan described it perfectly. I had been worried that my mother had been buried in a place I knew she had never wanted to be. Engma also told me that I was feeling too stressed and to relax by taking walks in the woods on the path I used to walk on as a child when I was upset. Then Engma showed Susan the path in detail and she started to describe it to me. I couldn't believe what I was being told. Everything was so precise and factual. I have never felt so peaceful and relaxed as I did when I walked away from that session.
~ Betty Roy
I want to take this opportunity to let others know of my experience sitting in a healing circle with Susan and Engma. The Love and Healing were palpable! The energy was amazing. The messages that came through were life-changing. I made an appointment after that wonderful experience for a private session with Susan. Her reading was very spot on. I look forward to attending another healing circle with Susan and Engma in the future. Susan is a blessing to everyone here on this Earth! With Much Love and Gratitude,
~ Terry Jean Willette
​The team of Susan St Jean and The Council of Engma is powerful, gentle, and beautiful. Susan shares Engma’s wisdom and teachings effectively always seeped in love and positive terms. I seek her out at holistic fairs and each time it was validating, and encouraging and I felt sincerely loved.
~ Didi Robinson
I haven’t had a chance to write but I absolutely LOVED your reading and watching you connect with Spirit. It was just what I needed to get through the rest of the summer. It’s great to see pictures of your workshop, you carry such positivity and light and it shows in the pictures. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with us at Temple Heights.
~ Mandy Mariner-Everett
Hi Susan, I wondered where you do your services when not at fairs. My daughter and I sat in a gallery reading at a fair with you and saw/felt the power of Engma.
~ Denise Kelley Perkins
Susan is a gifted conduit of the love and guidance coming from the Ascended Masters of Engma. I appreciate her gentle ways and the feeling of authenticity that comes with her words.
~ Jerry Bonenfant
Hi Susan, Wow I wanted to let you & Engma know how much I appreciate your teachings, channeling, and wisdom! I have felt so much lighter today! Dad seemed to be having a good day today, too. I believe our paths were meant to cross. Thank you so much!
~ Cindy Shaw
​Thanks, Susan, We all shared a lot of laughs and a lot of healing last night at The Sacred Space Healing Arts Center! I enjoyed all of the participation. You're an Amazing Woman with a Wonderful Gift. I was honored to be a part of your Gallery Readings! Have a wonderful day.
~ Teresa Jackson
I spoke with Susan by phone and we touched upon many spiritual aspects of my life that I was only vaguely familiar with. Susan helped me understand ways to focus on increasing my energy and my power. Since our session, I have been able to let go and relax into a more soulful experience. Thanks again, Susan!
~ Nancy Martin
Susan, Thank you for listening and giving me a good feeling. Your guidance, kindness, and patience is giving me hope and confidence to begin again. If you ever come to the Boston area, please let me know. I would love to meet you. I admire you for your work and your wisdom. I have wanted to make friends with people who want to make the world more loving for so long now. God bless! I am truly grateful and feeling hopeful! Love and light.
~ Linda Assim