Something to ponder on... Have you ever thought of the day as a consciousness and sent it intentions of goodwill and love for it to enjoy life?
After I woke this morning, while still half asleep sitting in my chair looking out to the day I said, "HAPPY DAY TO YOU DAY!" and then heard what I had said and thought, "Hey I really like that!"
We always tell people to have a nice day, a wonderful day, a happy day but we never honor and bless, 'The Day.' Inviting it to enjoy its existence... the breath of it's wind, and joy of holding space for existence to unfold unto itself. Observing, feeling and listening to its orchestra of its people, animals, and nature contained in its womb.
By putting out the intention and consideration 'of the day for the day,' we anchor vibrationally a high state of consciousness for the foundation of the energetic spring board we awaken to for our experiences... The new dawn... the day opening its eyes once again for all of expression to be.
© 2016 Susan St. Jean